Statement of Faith
We Believe That:
- The Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God, complete in its revelation, and final in its content
(II Tim. 3:16-17)
- There is one God who exists in three person: Father, Son and Holy Spirit co.-equal in power glory and attributes and
worthy of the same worship
(Matt. 28:18-19)
(John. 1:1-14)
- Jesus, born of a virgin lived a sinless life, died, buried and rose again for our sins. He is ascended into heaven and will
return to judge the world and establish his kingdom forever
- All men are sinners and can only be saved by the grace of God; that is receiving Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour as
the only way to heaven. Not turning from sin or giving your life, not involving any good works, but by faith in Christ death, burial and resurrection alone
(Eph. 2:8-10)
- That man cannot lose his salvation
(John 10:28)
- When we receive Jesus Christ as our saviour, heaven will be our eternal home. We serve Christ not to be saved but
because we are saved
- The Church is made up of all born again believers from Pentecost to the Rapture
- The Two Ordinances that were given to the church are Baptism and The Lord's Supper
- We strongly believe that the gift of tongues has ceased and God does heal according to his will
- All believers should live holy lives unto the Lord:
- Daily Bible Reading
(II Tim. 2:15)
- Daily Prayer
(I Tim. 2:1-3)
- Regular Church attendance
(Heb. 10:25)
- Daily sharing the Gospel
(Mark 16:15)
- Each Christian has a solemn obligation to conduct themselves at all times in a manner worthy of the Gospel
they profess to believe