The Hospital Ministry at Kelly Community Bible Church intent was to not fall short of the motto we set to ourselves and that is "to evangelize and equip". This ministry was first started by the late Sis. Cleo Rampersad along with the Administrative Pastor; Pastor Gangaram Samaroo.
Once every month they would visit the hospital wards to encourage patients and leave with them a token of love from KCBC: a care bag. The care bags totaled to 20 on inception and has since increased to 60 with new hands and hearts serving together. The bags contain various toiletries along with a mint and a Bible track. They are made by Sis. Debbie Kallap and Bro. Devon Husain using funds given by members of the church.
Lately, more of the younger people in the church got involved, approaching beds with courage, praying and telling strangers about Jesus' love and his saving grace. The aim of the Hospital ministry is to see others come to know Christ as Saviour while showing love to those sick and in need of support. It has been a great way to serve and will always be ready to welcome more bold souls